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Biographical Notes

Guillaume Lafortune

Guillaume Lafortune
Director, SDSN Paris; Scientific Co-Director of the SDG Index

Guillaume Lafortune took up his duties as Director of SDSN Paris in January 2021. He joined SDSN in 2017 to coordinate the production of the Sustainable Development Report and other projects on SDG data and statistics.

Grayson Fuller

Grayson Fuller
Senior Analyst, SDG Index, SDSN

Grayson Fuller is the Senior Analyst at SDSN. His role consists of managing the data, coding, and statistical analyses for the SDG Index and Dashboards report. He additionally carries out research related to sustainable development. Grayson received his Masters degree in Economic Development at Sciences Po Paris. He holds a Bachelors in Latin American Studies from Harvard University, where he graduated cum laude.

Europe Sustainable Development Report 2025: SDG Priorities for the New EU Leadership

Dublin University Press, 2025

Guillaume Lafortune and Grayson Fuller

The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2025 (ESDR2025) presents an updated database and short narrative report to summarize the key results. it was prepared by the SDG Transformation Center at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in Paris, France. Grayson Fuller led the statistical work under the overall guidance of Guillaume Lafortune. We thank SDSN colleagues for their support at various stages including Ryan Swaney, Alyson Marks, Katsia Paulavets, Sara Allalli, Ruben Andino, Felipe Mantovani, Lorenz Horvath, María Cortés Puch, Andrija Erac as well as the Co-Chairs of SDSN Europe— Phoebe Koundouri, Adolf Kloke-Lesch and Angelo Riccaboni—and more broadly SDSN national and regional networks all over Europe. We are grateful for the financial support provided via our long-standing collaboration with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS). We also thank the contributors to the public consultation which took place between 6th December and 13th December 2024. Finally, we thank the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), and in particular Peter Schmidt (President of the NAT Section) and Monica Guarinoni, for supporting and promoting this work over the years notably by hosting the launch of this year’s report in Brussels on 29th January 2025 and the launch of previous editions. This year’s ESDR2025 is accompanied by the release of a joint SDSN and EESC study on “Sustainable food systems as a driver for the implementation of the SDGs: taking stock of SDG 2 and future perspectives”.

An open access online version of this work is published at under a Creative Commons Open Access license CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. This license requires that re-users give credit to the creators. It allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, for non-commercial purposes only. If others modify or adapt the material, they must license the modified material under identical terms.   

IISBN: 978-0-903200-23-3 (paperback)

ISBN: 978-0-903200-24-0 (pdf )
DOI:   10.25546/110692

Pages:       26

Open Access

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